Pressa Tekno Uno 380

Pellet mills for animal feed, for milling and cereal products, for oils and extractive plant wastes, for productive by-products, for grass and alfa-alfa, for organic fertilizers, for chemical products, for hay and for straw, for wood and biomasses in general

Pellets cooling system

Raffreddatore verticale con setaccio
and screening system
Productive units and “Turn key plant” for pelletized bio-fuel


Click into the picture to watch the page with
all technical data of EOS portable pellet  mills

PE 235
Lab testing machines for small production
Click into the picture to watch the page with
all technical data of EOS lab testing machines

 EOS PP 300Flat die machines for special products

Click into the picture to watch the page with
all technical data of EOS machines for special products

High efficiency semiprofessional pellet mills

Click into the picture to watch the page with
all technical data of EOS high efficiency pellet mills

impianto fertilizzanti
Organic manure productive plants

Weighing equipments

Insaccatrice CGE
Pellet sacking machines

Disk separators for chips, saw dust and biomass

Transport and handling equipments for saw dust

Propulsore PEP
Pellet propulsoring units

Cobra PEP
Vertical transporters

Lifting systems and handling machines

produzione pellets
Belt, chain and special conveyors